Preventive medical check-up (health check-up) Salzburg

Ordination Kastner - Dr. Thomas Kastner in der Ordination 2

Dr. Kastner, Salzburg – Preventive medical check-up:

The health check is a free preventive program offered by social insurance companies!

With the health check, risk factors and illnesses can be identified at an early stage and successfully prevented or treated.

The focus is on

  • Early detection of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
  • Early detection of risk factors for metabolic diseases
  • Early detection of cancer

All persons over the age of 18 who are resident in Austria can take advantage of the preventive medical check-up once a year free of charge.

Persons without health insurance can also take advantage of the preventive medical check-up if they obtain a substitute health insurance certificate for the check-up from the regional health insurance fund responsible for their place of residence.

  • Detailed anamnesis (questioning about health status and lifestyle)
  • Clinical examination of the body
  • blood pressure measurement
  • Calculation and body mass index
  • Blood test (total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol/ratio, triglycerides,
  • blood sugar, liver value gamma-GT, for women additionally a blood count, for men over 50 years of age additionally prostate PSA)
  • Urinalysis
  • Examination of the stool for blood (hemoccult, for women and men over the age of 50)

Extended health examination:

On request, we offer an extension of the health examination:

this additionally includes € 79,-:

  • extended blood test (additionally: differential blood count regardless of gender, blood sedimentation, uric acid, additional liver values
  • GOT/AST and GPT/ALT, bilirubin, thyroid, kidney, PSA in men regardless of age)
  • Examination of stool for blood regardless of age
  • Electrocardiography (ECG)
  • Pulmonary function test (spirometry)

Further examinations such as HIV tests can be carried out on request (subject to a charge).

You need 2 appointments:

1st appointment: Blood collection

Blood samples are taken every Monday, Thursday and Friday from 08:00.
Please arrive sober (do not eat or drink anything after midnight)
If you are dizzy or prone to collapse, we can take the blood sample while you are lying down

2nd appointment: Consultation appointment

Performance of all further examinations (urine, stool, blood pressure measurement,…) and discussion of findings

Register now for a check-up.


die Ordination ist vom 23.12.24 bis 30.12.24 geschlossen, in dringenden Fällen finden Sie Hilfe:

the surgery is closed from 23.12.24 to 30.12.24, in urgent cases you will find help:

am 23.12 und 27.12.24

Dr. Ute Neubacher-Kürsten

Augustinergasse 9A, Tel: 0662 841026

am 30.12.24

PVZ Dr. Ebner

Moosstraße 15, Tel:0662 830093