Prescription order form

Prescriptions for long-term medication

You have the option of ordering prescriptions for long-term medication online from us. No waiting time for the approval of prescriptions requiring authorization!

The prescriptions are ready for collection at the end of the surgery hours following the order (don’t forget your e-card).

Prescription order form


die Ordination ist vom 23.12.24 bis 30.12.24 geschlossen, in dringenden Fällen finden Sie Hilfe:

the surgery is closed from 23.12.24 to 30.12.24, in urgent cases you will find help:

am 23.12 und 27.12.24

Dr. Ute Neubacher-Kürsten

Augustinergasse 9A, Tel: 0662 841026

am 30.12.24

PVZ Dr. Ebner

Moosstraße 15, Tel:0662 830093