Driver’s license examination in Salzburg

Ordination Kastner - Dr. Thomas Kastner in der Ordination 2

Expert doctor for driving license examinations in Salzburg

As an appointed expert doctor, I carry out driving license examinations in my practice in Salzburg | Riedenburg | Maxglan.

Please do not forget to bring an official photo ID (passport, identity card, driver’s license, etc.).


For a medical report in accordance with § 8 Para. 1 FSG-GV, the person to be examined must pay the expert doctor

€ 35.00 (category A, B, B+E, F) for an applicant for a group 1 driving license
€ 50.00 (category C1+E, D, C+E, G) by an applicant for a group 2 driving license, whereby this amount includes the examination for group 1
€ 30.00 for repeat examinations. If a person is assigned to the official doctor in accordance with § 22 Para. 4, the expert doctor shall only be charged 50 % of the above-mentioned fee.


die Ordination ist vom 23.12.24 bis 30.12.24 geschlossen, in dringenden Fällen finden Sie Hilfe:

the surgery is closed from 23.12.24 to 30.12.24, in urgent cases you will find help:

am 23.12 und 27.12.24

Dr. Ute Neubacher-Kürsten

Augustinergasse 9A, Tel: 0662 841026

am 30.12.24

PVZ Dr. Ebner

Moosstraße 15, Tel:0662 830093