Address & Contact
Neutorstraße 57
5020 Salzburg
Phone: +43 (0)662 833936
Outside office hours
you will find help under:
Office Hours
Here you will find the opening hours of the surgery Dr. Kastner in Salzburg:
Opening hours
MO: 08:00 – 12:00
TU: 15:00 – 19:00
WE: 15:00 – 19:00
TH: 08:00 – 12:00
FR: 08:00 – 12:00
SA: closed
SU: closed
Making an appointment
By telephone during
office hours or online:
Prescription order

360° view of the doctor’s office Kastner
Here you can find the 360° view of Ordination Kastner in 5020 Salzburg. Take a look at our rooms.
WHO 1948 health definition:
„Health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely freedom from disease and infirmity. To enjoy the best possible state of health is a fundamental right of every human being, without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social position.“
Making sure that happens is our job!
All health insurance companies
- GKK §2-regional health insurance fund
- SVA-Social insurance institution for trade and industry
- SVB Social Insurance Institution for Farmers
- BVA Insurance Institution for Public Servants
- VA Insurance Institution for Railways and Mining
- KFA (Salzburg Municipal Employees)

Your family doctor in 5020 Salzburg
„The foundation of our healthcare system is the general practitioner or family doctor. He is the first contact and trusted doctor with whom you can discuss all health problems on the one hand, and personal matters on the other.“
Your Dr. Thomas Kastner, General Practitioner, Salzburg / Riedenburg / Maxglan
✓ First and central point of contact for all health problems and medical questions
✓ Basic medical care for all age groups children, adults, senior citizens, with a focus on a long-term patient-doctor relationship based on trust
✓ Overall overview of the patient’s state of health (all the threads come together)
✓ Coordinator and guide in the healthcare system (see cooperation diagram)
✓ Diagnosis and treatment of all illnesses (including life-threatening illnesses, e.g. emergency measures)
✓ Medication management “Do I really have to take all this, what is it actually for?”
✓ Health promotion and prevention
✓ Cooperation with medical specialists, other healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities (especially hospitals)